books and ephemeral objects

archiving and story-telling through pattern and textile


I collect objects, ephemera, scraps of paper, letters, notes, gifts, creative projects…anything that adds to the archiving and personal story of each fabric installation.

Memory Signed Book : For most project I have an empty sketchbook that I introduce at each sewing day. I usually put a date at the top, and ask anyone and everyone to put their name in for that day to be counted, and if they feel like making drawings or notes, or anything! to include it! This book is archived with each piece when it is stored.

Ephemera: There is a timelessness to handwritten notes pinned to pieces of fabric. They oscillate from functional to personal, in the way it is measured and annotated on the fabric. A parallel to our sewing days marking how much fabric was constructed as a collective.


"Women in Labor" - Doily Series - monoprints - 2022